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τί φήσομεν γάρ, εἰ πόλις μὲν ἀξιοῖ
κίνδυνον ἡμῶν οὕνεκ’ αἴρεσθαι μέγαν,
αὐτοὶ δὲ προστιθέντες ἄλλοισιν πόνους,
παρόν σφε σῶσαι, φευξόμεσθα μὴ θανεῖν;
What will we say, if the city thinks it should take on this great danger for our sake but we give the task to others and flee death when it's possible to save them.
Euripides Children of Heracles 503-6

Further examples of constructions illustrated by this sentence: