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ἔχω δ’ ἐπιδεῖξαι καὶ γυναιξὶ ταῖς γαμεταῖς τοὺς μὲν οὕτω χρωμένους ὥστε συνεργοὺς ἔχειν αὐτὰς εἰς τὸ συναύξειν τοὺς οἴκους, τοὺς δὲ ᾗ ὅτι πλεῖστον λυμαίνονται.
I can show you that some husbands treat their wives in such a way that they can consider them partners in the growth of their property, whereas others treat them in such a way that they completely ruin it.
Xenophon Economics 3.10 (5)
ἀλλὰ καὶ τοῦτο, ἔφην, ἔγωγε, ὦ Ἰσχόμαχε, πάνυ ἂν ἡδέως σου πυθοίμην, πότερα αὐτὸς σὺ ἐπαίδευσας τὴν γυναῖκα ὥστε εἶναι οἵαν δεῖ ἢ ἐπισταμένην ἔλαβες παρὰ τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ τῆς μητρὸς διοικεῖν τὰ προσήκοντα αὐτῇ.
I would be delighted to hear this too from you, Ischomachus - whether you educated your wife to be as capable as she ought to be yourself, or whether she was already educated in the duties which fall to her when you took her from her father and mother.
Xenophon Economics 7.4 (71)
τὰ δ’ ἄλλα, ἔφην ἐγώ, ὦ Ἰσχόμαχε, αὐτὸς ἐπαίδευσας τὴν γυναῖκα ὥστε ἱκανὴν εἶναι ὧν προσήκει ἐπιμελεῖσθαι; οὐ μὰ Δί’, ἔφη ὁ Ἰσχόμαχος, οὐ πρίν γε καὶ ἔθυσα καὶ ηὐξάμην ἐμέ τε τυγχάνειν διδάσκοντα καὶ ἐκείνην μανθάνουσαν τὰ βέλτιστα ἀμφοτέροις ἡμῖν.
But in every other respect, Ischomachus, did you teach your wife yourself to be competent in her duties? No, certainly not, Socrates, not until I had prayed and made sacrifices, that I would teach and she would learn the best things for both of us.
Xenophon Economics 7.7 (74)
καὶ συλλήβδην πάσης τῆς ἀρχαιολογίας ἥδιστα ἀκροῶνται, ὥστ’ ἔγωγε δι’ αὐτοὺς ἠνάγκασμαι ἐκμεμαθηκέναι τε καὶ ἐκμεμελετηκέναι πάντα τὰ τοιαῦτα.
…and in a word, they love hearing about all ancient history, so that I have been forced by them to become knowledgeable and expert about all that kind of thing.
Plato Hippias Major 285e (80)
πυθόμενος γὰρ ὅτι τὸ μειράκιον ἦν παρ’ ἐμοί, ἐλθὼν ἐπὶ τὴν οἰκίαν τὴν ἐμὴν νύκτωρ μεθύων, ἐκκόψας τὰς θύρας εἰσῆλθεν εἰς τὴν γυναικωνῖτιν, ἔνδον οὐσῶν τῆς τε ἀδελφῆς τῆς ἐμῆς καὶ τῶν ἀδελφιδῶν, αἳ οὕτω κοσμίως βεβιώκασιν ὥστε καὶ ὑπὸ τῶν οἰκείων ὁρώμεναι αἰσχύνεσθαι.
When he found out that the boy was staying with me, he came to my house drunk one night, broke down the doors and went into the women's quarters, where my sister and nieces were. They lived such proper lives that they were ashamed even to be seen by servants.
Lysias Speeches 3.6 (99)
οὗτος τοίνυν εἰς τοῦτο ἦλθεν ὕβρεως ὥστ’ οὐ πρότερον ἠθέλησεν ἀπελθεῖν, πρὶν αὐτὸν ἡγούμενοι δεινὰ ποιεῖν οἱ παραγενόμενοι καὶ οἱ μετ’ αὐτοῦ ἐλθόντες, ἐπὶ παῖδας κόρας καὶ ὀρφανὰς εἰσιόντα, ἐξήλασαν βίᾳ.
He reached such lengths of depravity that he was not willing to leave until the onlookers and those who had accompanied him, thinking that he was behaving terribly by breaking in on girls and orphans, dragged him away forcibly.
Lysias Speeches 3.7 (100)
καὶ οὕτως ἤδη συνειθισμένον ἦν, ὥστε πολλάκις ἡ γυνὴ ἀπῄει κάτω καθευδήσουσα ὡς τὸ παιδίον, ἵνα τὸν τιτθὸν αὐτῷ διδῷ καὶ μὴ βοᾷ.
And we were so used to this arrangement that my wife often went downstairs to sleep with the child, to breastfeed it and stop it crying.
Lysias Speeches 1.10 (151)
ἀλλ’ ἐστὲ γὰρ ὑπὸ τῶν τούτου ἁμαρτημάτων ἤδη καταπλῆγες διὰ τὸ πολλάκις ἰδεῖν καὶ ἀκοῦσαι, ὥστε οὐδὲ τὰ δεινὰ ἔτι δεινὰ δοκεῖ ὑμῖν εἶναι.
You are so stupefied by having seen and heard about his crimes so often that these terrible things no longer seem terrible to you.
Lysias Speeches 6.50 (300)
πολλάκις γὰρ ἔμοιγ' ἐπελήλυθε καὶ τοῦτο φοβεῖσθαι, μή τι δαιμόνιον τὰ πράγματ' ἐλαύνῃ, ὥστε λοιδορίας, φθόνου, σκώμματος, ἧστινος ἂν τύχηθ' ἕνεκ' αἰτίας ἀνθρώπους μισθωτούς, ὧν οὐδ' ἂν ἀρνηθεῖεν ἔνιοι ὡς οὐκ εἰσὶ τοιοῦτοι, λέγειν κελεύετε, καὶ γελᾶτε, ἄν τισι λοιδορηθῶσιν.
Often it has come over me even to fear that some demonic force is controlling the situation, with the result that through love of insults or envy or ribaldry or whatever other excuse you come across, you order these hired men to speak - some of them would not even deny that they are hired - and you laugh if they insult anyone.
Demosthenes 9.53 (312)
περὶ τούτου γὰρ μόνου τοῦ ἀδικήματος καὶ ἐν δημοκρατίᾳ καὶ ὀλιγαρχίᾳ ἡ αὐτὴ τιμωρία τοῖς ἀσθενεστάτοις πρὸς τοὺς τὰ μέγιστα δυναμένους ἀποδέδοται, ὥστε τὸν χείριστον τῶν αὐτῶν τυγχάνειν τῷ βελτίστῳ·
for in the case of this crime alone, under both democracy and oligarchy, the same requital is accorded to the weakest against the strongest, so that the lowest gets the same treatment as the highest.
Lysias Speeches 1.2 (370)
τὸν μὲν ἄλλον χρόνον οὕτω διεκείμην ὥστε μήτε λυπεῖν μήτε λίαν ἐπ’ ἐκείνῃ εἶναι ὅ τι ἂν ἐθέλῃ ποιεῖν,
For some time I was disposed neither to vex her nor to leave her too free to do just as she pleased
Lysias Speeches 1.6 (371)
καὶ οὕτω σφόδρα ὁ νομοθέτης ἐπὶ ταῖς γαμεταῖς γυναιξὶ δίκαια ταῦτα ἡγήσατο εἶναι, ὥστε καὶ ἐπὶ ταῖς παλλακαῖς ταῖς ἐλάττονος ἀξίαις τὴν αὐτὴν δίκην ἐπέθηκε.
And so strongly was the lawgiver convinced of the justice of this in the case of wedded wives, that he even applied the same penalty in the case of mistresses, who are of less account.
Lysias Speeches 1.31 (377)
τοιαύτην ἄδειαν τοῖς μοιχοῖς ποιήσετε, ὥστε καὶ τοὺς κλέπτας ἐπαρεῖτε φάσκειν μοιχοὺς εἶναι
you will be giving adulterers such licence that you will encourage thieves as well to call themselves adulterers;
Lysias Speeches 1.36 (378)
τοσούτου τοίνυν δεῖ ἢ λοιδορία ἢ παροινία ἢ ἄλλη τις διαφορὰ ἡμῖν γεγονέναι, ὥστε οὐδὲ ἑωρακὼς ἦ τὸν ἄνθρωπον πώποτε πλὴν ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ νυκτί.
So far, indeed, from either abuse or a drunken brawl or any other quarrel having occurred between us, I had never even seen the man before that night.
Lysias Speeches 1.45 (379)
ἐὰν δὲ βούλῃ εἰς Θετταλίαν ἰέναι, εἰσὶν ἐμοὶ ἐκεῖ ξένοι οἵ σε περὶ πολλοῦ ποιήσονται καὶ ἀσφάλειάν σοι παρέξονται, ὥστε σε μηδένα λυπεῖν τῶν κατὰ Θετταλίαν.
if you wish to go to Thessaly, I have friends there who will make much of you and will protect you, so that no one in Thessaly shall annoy you.
Plato Crito 45c (401)
βεβαιώσεις τοῖς δικασταῖς τὴν δόξαν, ὥστε δοκεῖν ὀρθῶς τὴν δίκην δικάσαι·
you will confirm the judges in their opinion, so that they will think their verdict was just.
Plato Crito 53c (458)
οὐχ ὧδ’ ἔχει μοι, μὴ τρέσῃς ἡμᾶς, Κρέον,
ὥστ’ ἐς τυράννους ἄνδρας ἐξαμαρτάνειν.
I am not the kind of person, fear not Creon, to wrong my rulers
Euripides Medea 307-308 (476)
ὁ δ’ ἐς τοσοῦτον μωρίας ἀφίκετο,
ὥστ’, ἐξὸν αὐτῷ τἄμ’ ἑλεῖν βουλεύματα
γῆς ἐκβαλόντι, τήνδ’ ἐφῆκεν ἡμέραν
μεῖναί μ’, ἐν ᾗ τρεῖς τῶν ἐμῶν ἐχθρῶν νεκροὺς
θήσω, πατέρα τε καὶ κόρην πόσιν τ’ ἐμόν.
He is so stupid that, while he could have stopped my plans by exiling me, he has let me stay this one day.
Euripides Medea 371-4 (481)
βεβαιώσεις τοῖς δικασταῖς τὴν δόξαν, ὥστε δοκεῖν ὀρθῶς τὴν δίκην δικάσαι
You will confirm to the jurors that they were right in their judgement.
Plato Crito 53c (527)

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