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τῷ μὲν ἐγὼ πειρήσω ἀλαλκεῖν ἄγρια φῦλα
μυίας, αἵ ῥά τε φῶτας ἀρηϊφάτους κατέδουσιν·
From him I will try to ward the savage flocks of flies, who eat the flesh of battle-slain men.
Homer Iliad 19.30-31 (225)
πάλαι δὲ τὰ καλὰ ἀνθρώποισι ἐξεύρηται, ἐκ τῶν μανθάνειν δεῖ·
Long ago men have found out good principles, and we must learn from them.
Herodotus Histories 1.8 (320)
ὣς ἐφάμην, ὁ δέ μ’ αὐτίκ’ ἀμειβόμενος προσέειπεν·
So I spoke, and he straightway made answer, and said:
Homer Odyssey 4.554 (383)
τὸν δ’ ἴδον ἐν νήσῳ θαλερὸν κατὰ δάκρυ χέοντα,
Him I saw in an island, shedding big tears,
Homer Odyssey 4.556 (384)
πολλοὶ γὰρ περὶ ἄστυ μέγα Πριάμοιο μάχονται
υἱέες ἀθανάτων, τοῖσιν κότον αἰνὸν ἐνήσεις.
There are many sons of the immortals fighting around the great city of Priam. You will make them angry.
Homer Iliad 16.448-9 (493)

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