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οἱ δ’ εὕδοντ’ ἐν νηῒ θοῇ ἐπὶ πόντον ἄγοντες
κάτθεσαν εἰν Ἰθάκῃ, ἔδοσαν δέ οἱ ἄσπετα δῶρα,
χαλκόν τε χρυσόν τε ἅλις ἐσθῆτά θ’ ὑφαντήν,
πόλλ’, ὅσ’ ἂν οὐδέ ποτε Τροίης ἐξήρατ’ Ὀδυσσεύς,
εἴ περ ἀπήμων ἦλθε, λαχὼν ἀπὸ ληΐδος αἶσαν.
They put him into their swift ships asleep and put him down on Ithaca and gave him wonderful gifts - bronze and gold and lots of woven cloth - lots and lots - more than he would have brought from Troy if he'd taken his share of the lot and come home unharmed.
Homer Odyssey 13.134-38

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