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Μήδεια: πρὸς θεῶν, ἄπαις γὰρ δεῦρ’ ἀεὶ τείνεις βίον;
Αἰγεύς: ἄπαιδές ἐσμεν δαίμονός τινος τύχῃ.
Μήδεια: δάμαρτος οὔσης ἢ λέχους ἄπειρος ὤν;
Medea: By the gods are you still now dragging out your life without children?
Aegeus: We have no children at the whim of some god.
Medea: Do you have a wife or do you have no experience of marriage?
Euripides Medea 670-672

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