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“καὶ οἶμαι,” ἔφη, “ἐμὴν ταύτην πατρίδα εἶναι· καὶ εἰ μή τι κωλύει, ἐθέλω αὐτοῖς διαλεχθῆναι.”
“ἀλλ’ οὐδὲν κωλύει,” ἔφη, “ἀλλὰ διαλέγου καὶ μάθε πρῶτον τίνες εἰσίν.”
He said, "I think that this is my homeland. And if there's nothing stopping me, I want to go and talk to them."
"No, nothing's stopping you," he said, "so go and talk with them and find out first of all who they are."
Xenophon Anabasis 4.8

Further examples of constructions illustrated by this sentence: