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μελλόντων δὲ τῶν Ἰώνων λύειν καὶ ποιέειν τὰ κελευόμενα, Κώης ὁ Ἐρξάνδρου στρατηγὸς ἐὼν Μυτιληναίων ἔλεξε Δαρείῳ τάδε, πυθόμενος πρότερον εἰ οἱ φίλον εἴη γνώμην ἀποδέκεσθαι παρὰ τοῦ βουλομένου ἀποδείκνυσθαι·
While the Ionians were on the point of destruction and carrying out their orders, Coes the son of Erxander, the general of the Mytilenians, after first finding out whether he would be keen to accept an opinion from someone who wanted to give it, said the following to Darius.
Herodotus Histories 4.97

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