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τῆς γὰρ παρελθούσης νυκτὸς ταυτησί, ἔτι βαθέος ὄρθρου, Ἱπποκράτης, ὁ Ἀπολλοδώρου ὑὸς Φάσωνος δὲ ἀδελφός, τὴν θύραν τῇ βακτηρίᾳ πάνυ σφόδρα ἔκρουε
On the previous night to that one, in the very early hours of the morning, Hippocrates, Hippocrates, the son of Apollodorus and the brother of Phason, gave a tremendous thump with his staff at my door.
Plato Protagoras 310b

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